The current project aims to establish a common and sustainable strategy of waste management, through the involvement and participation of Taisha municipality as well as the Achuar communities, creating a permanent process of collaboration and synergy between these parties.

The Project aims also to give support to the local authorities that are the competencies on the waste management plan, developing an efficient and ecologically sustainable system enable to improve the life conditions of the local beneficiaries, generating between them a new environmental conscious to conserve the Amazon ecosystem for the future generations.

Finally, the present action will contribute significantly to the Taisha municipality to be stronger and enhance its capacity on the waste management plan with a participatory strategy within communities, progressively extending it to the entire Achuar territory.

viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2011


El dia 2 de diciembre del 2011 se desarrollo' el segundo taller del curso de capacitacion sobre la Educacion Ambiental para los professores de las escuelas de Taisha. Este taller trato' el tema de la "Conservacion de la Naturaleza", analizando las tematicas de: Especies, Biodiversidad, Areas Protegidas y Organizaciones Interancionales Ambientales.

Al taller participaron 20 profesores de 2 escuelas (Colegio Tecnico Taisha y Escuaela Rio Morona), que recibieron nuevo material de apoyo didactico en formado digital para la ejecucion de actividades de educacion ambiental en las escuelas.
El proximo taller, sobre el tercero modulo "Agua" sera' organizado por el mes de febrero 2012.

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